The biggest issue in iPhone 7: Camera is a waste!!

Well we expected this iPhone generation without any errors but hopefully not Apple cleared this possibility, this generation of iPhone has an even bigger issue with the most expected feature the camera. This is That kind of error which cannot be fixed via a software update The Error lies in the shutter of camera, many iPhone users might or might not have noticed that their iPhone had more choppy and laggy animations while moving from darker surroundings to a bright one! Firstly I thought that it was a software bug which will be corrected soon by Applebut it's not that is a hardware mistake, which cannot be corrected so easily it's iOS 10.2 Beta 2 no improvements are there!! This might not to be A big issue for many users, but users who used to shoot with their iPhones this is a massive issue. This issue creates Laggy videos and transitions are not very smooth too.if any Reader are not satisfied take your iPhones point them towards any source of light and then towards the darker soon you will see a laggy transition on your iPhone! Well this issue isn't on iPhone 6 6S SE or any of the older models


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